Friday, October 29, 2010


Light, camera, action... Movies have proved to be a good source for English learning. Colloquial and fixed phrases flood movies and these are useful in order to make our student's oral expression more natural and accurate.
Here's an activity you can do with your students.
What you'll need is a:
- Laptop computer with internet access
- The worksheet (with instructions and answers)
- Good memory to remember this wonderful BLOG (if not, write it down somewhere for God's sake)
- A group of willing students

Don't forget to download the worksheet from DOWNLOADS SAT & SET. Enjoy!

Here are the links to the excerpts:

EXCERPT 1: (Watch from 1:25-3:57)
EXCERPT 2: (Watch from start to end)
EXCERPT 3: (Warch from start to end)

The song:

Guess who the little girl is:

Guess who one of the blonde boys is:

Guess who this girl is:



We all know how difficult it is for our EFL students to distinguish between the use of the Past Simple and the Present Perfect in English, especially because in their native language (Spanish) the "Pretérito Perfecto Compuesto" (which is the Present Perfect) engulfs more details than just a moment of the past which we bring closer to the present so that the event in question doesn't sound as if it were completed long ago in time.
If your students struggle between these two tenses, then this board game provided by ESL Galaxy ( might help you in your task of making it clear to students and how these tenses can be activated in their oral expression.
All you need is:
- A dice
- Some tokens from any other board game (better if in different colours)
- Some willing students

All you need to do is follow the instructions as each student rolls the dice.

Don't forget to check out the DOWNLOADS SAT & SET website to download the board game and please don't forget to comment on your experience on this very same post.