Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Not too long ago, if I had to ask my teacher at school if could go to the toilet, the right way to do it was to raise your hand and say: "May I go to the toilet?" Any other way of formulating the question would have resulted in a forehand slap on the back of my head. Yes it was legal to smack students at school! Well, it has been a really long time since I went to school, things have changed. 

Now you don't get smacked on the back of your head and now you don't need to use certain grammar rules which were sacred no too long ago. 
I remember that ending a question with a preposition was so wrong, it would just disgust my teacher so much she would actually make me write "I won't use prepositions at the end of a question" a hundred times. (Like that ever helped me learn the lesson!) In fact, today using a preposition at the end of a question is the most common and stylish way to formulate questions. There's no academic rule against it. 
Read this wonderful article by Lisa Muzaffar here, and get to know all of the secrets of English you were never told about!

Monday, June 20, 2011


Want to give your students a great way to keep their English handy during the summer? Then you may want to suggest them signing up to our brand new newsletter WakeUp English! 
WakeUp English! includes Idioms, exercises, vocabulary quizes and loads more in order to keep student connected to English, even through all those learning-deadly summer months. 
Please click here or go to www.sat-set.com and click on the envelope located on the menu bar to the right to sign up and receive a great twice-a-week "pill" of English in your Inbox.
Stay in-line and up-to-date during the summer with our WakeUp English! Newsletter.


Although it may not be a large number, SAT & SET's interaction with the world is seeing a great increase through the social networks. Humbly but steadily, SAT & SET has reached 50 "Likes" in just a few weeks and it's all thanks to you and your students. 

Please, if you still haven't liked SAT & SET Facebook, you're surely missing out on great resources, facts, contests, daily world updates and lots more. You can "like" us here
Don't be left out and be up-to-date with the latest teaching trends, culture and courses in SAT & SET.
So don't hesitate to "like" us and recommend us to your students. 
Folow us on Twitter as well and join our Linked-in network.


As you all know, technology has made life easier in every aspect. Teaching wasn't going to be left out in this tech-rev and SAT & SET wasn't going to miss out on this either. 

After having tried countless e-learning platforms and never have determined an effective way to teach through the web, SAT & SET has finally found the ultimate e-learning/blended learning platform. SAT & SET 360º. 
SAT & SET 360º provides ample complementary material to all of the face to face classes you may have. We like to call it "TPH" (The perfect Homework). The platform has the ability to introduce, embed and deliver answers and practice to all students doubts, always with a great amount of feedback in all areas. 
SAT & SET 360º is backed by the Cambridge University in all of its features and specs, so a very reliable source is the provider for such great resources. 
If you want to try it out, please don't hesitate to ask us what the platform is about. We'll be holding a launching day soon for all the teachers, in order to become familiar with the platform and the possibilities it brings along.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Once again, comes round that time of the year where everybody's got to put together all their impressions and advice to make your student's progress more meaningful. Evaluation time is here. Don't forget to hand in your evaluations to Susana Lías as soon as possible.
Remember that your evaluations need to be as "informative" as possible. Statements such as "Needs more grammar" or "needs to improve his/her pronunciation". What we do appreciate and the students even more are comments such as: "the use of the past is still not completely mastered" "Needs to expand the use of vocabulary for describing people" etc. 
Your comments about your students are very valuable to us, so please do your best to make the information you  provide us with, useful.
For more information please contact Susana Lías.

Monday, May 16, 2011

TED TALK: John Hunter on the World Peace Game

We're going to try to post relevant teaching talks from the TED website weekly. Today we have John Hunter on the World Peace Game. A talk that was suggested by fellow SAT & SET teacher Kurt Scheller. Please take a few minutes to watch this engaging talk and please make a comment of what you thought of this wonderful talk.

ABOUT THE TALK: John Hunter puts all the problems of the world on a 4'x5' plywood board -- and lets his 4th-graders solve them. At TED2011, he explains how his World Peace Game engages schoolkids, and why the 
complex lessons it teaches -- spontaneous, and always surprising -- go further than classroom lectures can.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Today's material doesn't necessarily mean your students need it. To say, since the material is a compilation of 50 typical questions that you can be asked in an interview, your students may feel offended in the sense that "Why do I need these questions? Are they going to fire me?". Well, not just yet. This simple question-answer exercise may come in handy to practice expressing one's opinion about something or just getting the structure of answers embedded. 
Try to create a situation where the student is prepared to answer these question by creating a "Role-Play Interviewlike situation" and note-down how the student performs. Download the questions here.
Let us know how it all went by writing a comment in the comment box.